
Helen Keller (Summary)

Helen Keller was born in 1880 in a little town in the U.S.A. When she was two years old, she fell dangerously ill. She became blind and deaf due to that illness. At being deaf and blind she was very sad. Helen’s parents employed a teacher Miss Sullivan to teach their daughter. Miss Sullivan was trained and experienced lady. She her self had also been blind, but she got her eye sight back after sometime. Miss Sullivan trained Helen to write words on sand. Slowly and gradually she learnt about history, geography, mountains and rivers.
At the age of eight Helen joined the school for blind children. There she began to speak again with efforts of teachers by feeling the movement of lips. By and by she learned to read books. She passed all her examinations easily. She went to college and then to Harvard university and graduated without any difficulty.
Miss Helen Keller visited Pakistan in 1956 at the age of 76. She paid visit to the school of blind, deaf and dumb. She encouraged the disabled students and appreciated the efforts of the staff of school. She told students to be happy and cheerful and should not curse their fate. They can do every thing in the world.

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