
The Hostile Witness (Summary)

Once a person named Charlton took a temporary job in a hotel named White Hart Hotel. He was a rogue, apparently he was employee in the hotel but when ever he got opportunity he committed robberies. One day he got news that two persons would be carrying the weekly salary of a factory’s workers in New castle. So he stole some one’s car and waited for two persons on the road to factory. When two man passed by him he fired at them with a gun. One of them was killed and other was seriously injured. Charlton ran away with stolen money. At Darlington he met Mr. Earnest King who was going to the white Hart Hotel. Mr. King gave him a lift to the hotel. Mr. Abbot the Manager of the Hotel talked to them about murder and robbery. Mr. King who knew nothing about crime was taken aback. Manager informed them that the injured man has given full description of the killer and it had been announced on radio also. This description fitted to Mr. King except that Mr. King had no moustaches.

Just then Detective sergeant Manning and police constable Steven came there Mr. Manning introduced himself showed his official card and disclosed the purpose of his coming there. He said he had come there to check up luggage of those who were staying in hotel. He then asked all of them to hand over the keys of rooms. Carter and Johnson gave their keys to him at once but Earnest King raised an objection to his demand. But when he was pressed, reluctantly he gave his key to the police officer. Mr. Manning went up stairs, searched the luggage of Mr. King and returned with revolver in his hand. He was sure that the weapon was the one that killed and wounded factory employee at New castle. He asked Mr. King whether the revolver was his Mr. King got confused and denied the charge. He explained that he never went to his room and he had never seen the weapon before. The detective then asked him about the box containing money. At this stage Charlton told Mr. Manning that Mr. King has another big box with unusual locks. But Mr. King explained that box did not belong to him and it was of Mr. Charlton’s when he gave him lift in his car Mr. Manning asked the constable to go with Mr. Charlton and bring the box. When the box was brought, the detective looked closely at Charlton and found some traces of false moustaches on his upper lip. This convinced Mr. Manning that Charlton was actual murderer and put him under arrest. Every body was surprised because obvious suspect was Mr. King. Then the police officer explained that the police had found the stolen car a hundred meter away from where he got lift from Mr. King. He had gone straight on duty in order to avoid suspicion and hid the revolver and the box in two convenient hiding places. He intended to conceal them at the other place in the evening. He added that when Charlton realized that box might be found out. He tried to throw guilt at Mr. King.

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