Discuss Lamb as an English essayist.
Justify the claim of Charles Lamb as the Prince among the
English essayists.
“In the essay Lamb has no superior.” Discuss the
appropriateness of this remark.
Illustrate from the essays you have read, the peculiar
qualities of Lamb’s genius which have endeared him to his reader.
What are the causes of Lamb’s enduring popularity as an
Charles Lamb has been acclaimed by common consent as the Prince
among English essayist. He occupies a unique position in the history of English
essay. William Hazlitt, himself a great essayist, praised Lamb in high terms:
“The prose essays, under the signature of Elia form the most delightful section
amongst Lamb’s works. They traverse a peculiar field of observation,
sequestered from general interest, and they are composed in a spirit too
delicate and unobtrusive to catch the ear of the noisy crowd, clamouring for
strong sensations. This retiring delicacy itself, the pensiveness chequered by
gleams of the fanciful, and the humour that is touched with cross-lights of
pathos, together with the picturesque quaintness of the objects casually
described, whether men, or things, or usages; and in the rear of all this the
constant recurrence to ancient recollections and to decaying forms of household
life, as things retiring before the tumult of new and revolutionary generations
– these traits in combination communicate to the papers a grace and strength of
originality which nothing in any literature approaches, whether for degree or
kind of excellence, except the most felicitous papers of Addison, such as those
on Sir Roger de Coverley and some other sin the same vein of compostion.” Hugh
Walker also applauds the genius of Lamb, “There are essayists like Bacon, of
more massive greatness, and other like Sir Thomas Browne, who can attain
loftier heights of eloquence, but there is no other who has in an equal degree the
power to charm. If an attempt be made to discover the secret of this power, it
will be found that first and chief among the factors contributory to it is the
incomparable sweetness of disposition which Lamb not only possessed but had a
unique gift of communicating to his writings.” These verdicts of such critics
are a sufficient testimony to the greatness of the genius of Charles Lamb. In
fact, Lamb’s essays are popular for various reasons, such as genial humour,
touching pathos, humanitarian outlook, practical commonsense, nobility and
gentility of nature and above all the revelation of their creator’s self. These
factors, individually as well as collectively, have won for Lamb a unique place
in the history of English essay. Let us have a look into them one by one.
The Immense Variety of Essays
Lamb’s essays are as various as
the very human nature. Lamb’s ‘thinking heart’ finds a tale in everything that
he saw or experienced. In fact, since Bacon, essay had been used as a vehicle
to give expression to the writer’s thoughts and ideas on matters of general
interest. But Lamb did not find pleasure in expressing his thought
systematically. His themes are suggested by sudden flashes of imagination. As a
matter of fact, his essays are his own revelations. It is his likes and
dislikes—prejudices and opinions that find place in the essays. In the words of
Edmund Blunden, Lamb’s essays “range from the vision of beautiful children that
never were to be to the drollery consequent upon old George Dyer’s tumbling
into the New River ’s tenuous trickle, from nonsensical
rebellion against Beethoven, Bath ,
Mozart to the contemplation of true and false imaginative paintings. Perhaps
the editors of the London Magazine had not placed any conditions upon Lamb
regarding the choice of subject matter for his essays. He was free to choose
any subject at his will from his experiences of life, and to reproduce them in
any form, and with any discursiveness into which he might be allured on the
way.” Blunden further remarks, “In treatment almost every essay moves through a
series of moods, wild and sweet, grave and subdued, clear and practical,
sumptuous and sonorous—Elia is all there. They are promiscuous, meagre and
fragmentary, the essays are differenced many blossomed and handsome.”
Autobiographical Nature of the
From the Essays of Elia the whole
life of Lamb may be reconstructed. His essays are deeply personal and
autobiographical. As Thomson remarks, “Lamb wrote in his essays a record of
episodes which can be connected with the addition of a few links and the
elimination of a considerable amount of delightful fiction into a substantial
account of a large part of his life.” Ainger also expresses the same view, “A
large portion of Lamb’s history is related in these essays, and with the addition
of a few names and dates, a complete biography may be constructed from them alone.”
In several well-known essays, Lamb describes the various facets of his life.
For example, in Christ’s Hospital he tells about his days of childhood at the Temple ,
in Blakesmoor in Hertfordshire, he describes his boyish days of fun and merry
making, his holiday trips to the sea-side with his sister Mary, his recovery
from serious illness, the drudgery of the office work and other various details
of his life. In My Relations, he gives full and living pictures of his
relations—his brother John (James Elia) and his sister Mary (Bridget Elia). His
father is the Lovel of the Old Benchers, his grandmother in Dream Children. In
the words of H. G. Hill, “Apart from these biographical details revealed in his
essays, the man himself is more than reflected in his work.” Lamb’s sweet and
charming personality reflected in his essays is the secret of the popularity of
Essays of Elia.
Humour and Pathos
Humour in the essays of Lamb is
the humour of life. It is most akin to pathos. We can say that it is saving
grace for him, for after all it enables him to detach himself from the painful
realities, or rather to view them as things apart from himself. Lamb needs to
put a good face upon life with the dark tragedy ever haunting him in life.
According to Ainger, “With Lamb, as with all true humorists, humour was but one
side of an acute and almost painful sympathy.” His humour is a mingling of
laughter and tears, and they are again angelic laughter and angelic tears. Lamb
was a man who could never have cherished any bitter feeling in his heart. He
had a comedy view of life—and he could see life and see it steadily and as a
whole. It is there that we must look for the unique distinction of his humour.
If he were interested and even immersed in the pageantry of life, he could in a
moment loosen all his bond and be a liberated spirit, surveying the ills of
life with the pity of an angel.” His overflowing charity was materially helped
by his gift of constructing comedy out of the meanest stuff of human nature. In
the beggar who cheated him he saw a comedian playing a part, and joyously paid
his money for his performance; he was peculiarly ready to believe in the art
which plays with the elements of life—which creates a fantastic world of its
own—like humanity but detached from the condition of human beings. “Thus, the
pageantry of life often dissolves away before his gaze, and he seems to be
“moving about in worlds not realized.’ The precious gift of humour thus enables
him to dissociate himself from the realities, and construct a new world of
humanity in which we catch a faint reflection of reality.
Mystification in the Essays
Lamb had a turn for
mystification. He delighted in weaving threads of fiction in the web of truth.
In many of his essays, he has changed the names of persons and places. Dream
Children is a beautiful specimen of mystification. The whole essay is the
product of fancy. Likewise, essays, such as, Christ’s Hospital, Blakesmoor in H-Shire,
the South-sea House, The Superannuated Man, are full of enchanting examples of
mystification. In fact, Lamb has such a unique gift of mingling fact and
fiction that his figures taken from life become insensible transformed into the
immortal creations of a fairy land. This mystification, this blending of fact
and fiction is unique in English literature.
Poetic Quality
Lamb’s essays are lyrics in
prose. They are rich in poetic cadence and beauty. According to Sampson,
“Lamb’s finest essays are nearest of all to poetry.” Likewise Legouis, also
appreciates poetic element in these essays: “Though he did not write of them in
verse, his exquisitely wrought prose with its rich literary tone, preserves the
poetic history of words and enriches them with echoes scarcely less than does
Keat’s poetry.” In fact, it is in prose that Lamb the poet is to be found. The
whole of Dream Children and much of a Quaker’s Meeting are steeped in rich
poetry. There is spontaneous ease and grace of poetry in the Essays of Elia.
The style of the essays of Lamb
is equally charming. As Saintsbury observes, “The style of Lamb is as
indefinable as it is inimitable and his manner and method defy selection and
specification as much as the fluttering of a butterfly.” It is easy to notice
conversational ease, epigrammatic depth, emotional fervour, sparkling wit,
moving pathos, deep in sight into man and manners, shy satire, wild fun and
many other stylistic qualities. It is quite difficult to analyse Lamb’s style.
It is as various as the mood of the essayist. But everywhere the manner
harmonises with the matter. He writes the pure chaste prose of 18th
century masters as in Bachelor’s Complaint and Modern Gallantry: affects the
manner of Browne, Burton and Fuller
with their love of Latinism, archaism, witty obliquity, shy play of fancy,
grotesque humour or pensive melancholy; or produces sentences as epigrammatic
and nervous, as weighty and pregnant as those of Bacon and Hazlitt. About the
distinct character of Lamb’s style, Hugh Walker rightly remarks, “Neither the
brilliancy of Hazlitt, nor the harmony of De Quincey, nor the vigour of
Macaulay, nor the eloquence of Ruskin, nor the purity of Goldsmith could for a
moment be thought capable of expressing the meaning of Lamb.”
Thus Lamb’s sovereignty in the realm of English essay
is unquestioned. His essays are the greatest contribution to this genre of
literature. Their unique charm lies in the bewitching personality of their
creator. As Deighton remarks, “no amount of study will stale their infinite
variety and that if they have been read a hundred times, they will be all the
better loved the hundred and first time.” Lamb is rightly entitled to a place
as an essayist beside Montaigne, Sir Thomas Browne, Steele and Addison. His
essays “are among the daintiest things in the whole range of English
literature. They were archaic when they were written, and yet their old world
air was as neutral and native to Lamb as if he had been a resurrected
Elizabethan. For combined humour, taste, penetration and vivacity, they are
unsurpassed, perhaps unequalled. Lamb’s theme is