
Speak Gently (Explanation with Reference to Context)

1. Speak gently; it is better far

To rule by love than fear.

Speak gently; let no harsh word mar

The good we may do here.

Reference to Context:

These lines have been taken from the poem “Speak gently” written by an Anonymous poet.

In this poem poet asks us to speak in soft and mild tone to all. Because kind words go deep into the heart of listener. The effect of speaking gently is good and long lasting.


In these lines poet says that when we speak with others we should use kind words. If we want to rule the people, we should get their obedience by love. Because obedience secured by love is better than that which is the result of fear. He further says that we should use mild words and not harsh and unkind words, because harsh words may spoil our good deeds.

2. Speak gently to the little child;

Its love is sure to gain;

Teach it in accent soft and mild,

It may not long remain.

Reference to Context:

These lines have been taken from the poem “Speak gently” written by an Anonymous poet.

In this poem poet asks us to speak in soft and mild tone to all. Because kind words go deep into the heart of listener. The effect of speaking gently is good and long lasting.


In these line poet says that one should speak to a little child in soft and mild tone, it is certain that he will love him. If some one is teaching some thing to him, it might be taught in polite manner and soft accent, because who knows how long he will remain here.

3. Speak gently to the aged one;

Grieve not the careworn heart;

Whose sands of life are nearly run?

Let such in peace depart.

Reference to Context:

These lines have been taken from the poem “Speak gently” written by an Anonymous poet.

In this poem poet asks us to speak in soft and mild tone to all. Because kind words go deep into the heart of listener. The effect of speaking gently is good and long lasting.


In these lines poet says that senior citizens be spoken in polite manner. One should use kind words while speaking to them. They are already sad and tired, so they may not be sadden. They have completed their time here in this world; they are here for very brief time. So they may be allowed to leave this world in pleasant mood.

4. Speak gently, it’s a little thing

Dropped in the heart’s deep well;

The good, the joy that it may bring

Eternity shall tell.

Reference to Context:

These lines have been taken from the poem “Speak gently” written by an Anonymous poet.

In this poem poet asks us to speak in soft and mild tone to all. Because kind words go deep into the heart of listener. The effect of speaking gently is good and long lasting.


In these lines poet says that kind words, though they seem insignificant but they have magical effect on people. Because kind words touch the depth of human hearts. The reward of speaking gently will be gained in the next world.

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