

Mohan-jo-Daro is an ancient city of the world. Its ruins are about five thousand years old. Mohan-Jo-Daro is situated at the distance of 27 kilometres from Larkana city on the right bank of river Indus. Mohan-jo-Daro was discovered by an English archaeologist Sir John Marshall in 1922.

Ruins of Mohan-jo-Daro speak of a planned and civilized city. There were well built houses, straight roads and covered drains. Each house had two or three rooms with bath rooms, kitchen and servant quarters. The houses were two stories. All the houses were made of red bricks, there is a common bathing pond, a grain storing hall and a temple having small rooms. There is shopping centre in the centre of the city having shops on both sides.

The country side of the city was fertile. Peasants grew wheat, cotton, grams and rice. They also kept cattle. The people of this city were skilled craftsmen. They worked in gold, silver, ivory and brass.

Many objects have been found from Mohan-jo-Daro, such as painted pottery, toys, jewellery, weapons etc. The best find of Mohan-jo-Daro is the seal of head of bull. The statue of dancing girls is also a best find.

People of this city wore long and lose dresses. Children played with toys made of clay.

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