
Applied Sociology and Its Origin

The discipline of sociology began to emerge in the middle of the nineteenth century in the context of the sweeping charges the industrial Revolution brought for the ways of using scientific knowledge to solve practical problems. A biochemist who seeks to learn how a cell absorbs food or how a cell ages is working as a pure scientists. If this biochemist then tries to find some way to control the age process, this is applied science. A sociologist making a study of the social structure of a slum neighbourhood is working as pure scientists, if this is followed by study of how to prevent delinquency in a slum neighbourhood, this is applied science. Many people view sociology entirely as an applied science – trying to solve social problems. Properly viewed, it is both a pure and an applied science. For unless a science is constantly searching for more basic knowledge, its practical application of knowledge are not likely to be very practical.

Practical applications of sociological knowledge have become quite common. Some sociologists are employed by corporation, government bureaus, and social agencies, often in evaluation research but sometimes in administration. Sociologists are often consulted by legislative committee in preparing new legislation. While the political clout of opposing interest group may be the prime determinant of social policy decisions, the policy recommendations as social scientists are a significant factor in the legislative process.

On many questions, such as the causes and treatment of crime and delinquency, drug, and akhol addition, sex offences, the causes and consequences of race discrimination, or the adjustment of the family to a changing societies, there in consideration scientific knowledge with the social science. Often this knowledge is rejected by people who prefer to follow their prejudices, but as a nation, we are beginning to apply scientific methods to our thinking about social issues.

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